The workings of the Mess Committee will be supervised by the Secretary of the Disciplinary Council (DC). He is
responsible to report to the Coordinator of Student Affairs (CoSA) and Dean of Student Affairs (DoSA) about mess related
This committee will be headed by the Mess Coordinator, who will be elected by the DC through a confined election within
the existing mess committee. As stated in the SAC constitution, the Coordinator will have all the administrative
authority to make decisions on behalf of the committee. The DC will not interfere in the way the mess committee operates
until and unless intervention is absolutely necessary.
The Mess Coordinator will be responsible for the working of the committee to ensure optimal and efficient service from
the mess towards the students. Their tasks include subdivision of tasks to mess committee members, formulation of a new
bimonthly menu, noting down violations and acting on them, discussing the penalties with the authorities, and so on.
Membership to the mess committee will be through a batch wide election held in two phases. It will be administered by the
DC and 2/3 people per batch may be eligible to join the committee. However, student volunteers are always encouraged to
help out and highly appreciated!
For a work showcase or improvements made to our student mess, please feel free to contact the Mess Coordinator or the DC!